Social anxiety is a common mental health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by an overwhelming fear of social situations, making it difficult for individuals to engage in everyday interactions. This can lead to feelings of isolation, low self-esteem, and a diminished quality of life. While social anxiety is best treated in conjunction with professional therapy, there are steps that individuals can take on their own to manage and overcome social anxiety in their daily lives. Here are some tips that may help!

1. Identify and Acknowledge Your Triggers

Recognizing and understanding the specific triggers that cause your social anxiety is a crucial step in managing it effectively. Denying or avoiding your triggers can actually make social anxiety worse, so try your best to face them head-on. Triggers vary from person to person, but common examples include meeting new people or entering a crowded room. To identify your triggers, start by keeping a journal or use an app to document your anxiety levels and emotions in different social situations. This process will help you become more aware of the patterns and circumstances that contribute to your anxiety.

2. Challenge Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts and beliefs can fuel social anxiety and make a situation seem much worse than it is. These thoughts may include feelings of inadequacy, fear of judgment, or worries about embarrassing oneself. To challenge these negative thoughts, start by identifying them and assessing their validity. More often than not, you will find that these negative thoughts are unfounded or exaggerated.

You can also practice replacing negative thoughts with more positive and reasonable ones. For instance, instead of thinking, “Everyone will judge me,” try to counteract it with something like “It is okay if not everyone likes me, I am still worthy of love and respect.” By consistently challenging and reframing negative thoughts, you can develop a more balanced perspective on social situations and reduce the intensity of your anxiety.

3. Take a Relaxation Supplement

In recent years, cannabis has garnered interest for its potential to ease anxiety and promote relaxation during social interactions. Using cannabis in social settings can help foster a sense of calm and ease, making conversations and interactions feel more natural and enjoyable. Certain strains, such as the Chemdawg strain, have cerebral effects that may help you to feel more confident and creative in social situations.

When trying cannabis for the first time, you should start with a low dose, to minimize any potential side effects and ensure that you feel in control. As you become more comfortable with the effects, you can adjust the dosage to suit your needs. Also, consider the legal status of cannabis in your region and consult with your healthcare professional before incorporating it into your social anxiety management plan.

4. Practice Breathing and Mindfulness

Incorporating breathing exercises and mindfulness practices into your daily routine can be a powerful way to manage social anxiety. Deep, controlled breathing helps regulate your body’s stress response, slow your heart rate, and lower blood pressure. One popular method is the 4-7-8 technique: inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds. This exercise can be repeated several times until you feel a sense of calm.

Mindfulness, on the other hand, focuses on being present and fully engaged in the current moment, without judgment or distraction. This practice allows you to become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, enabling you to better identify and manage anxiety triggers. Regular mindfulness practices, such as meditation, yoga, or guided imagery, can help you feel more at ease in social situations.

5. Try Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a highly effective, evidence-based approach to treating social anxiety. This form of therapy focuses on identifying and addressing the negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to anxiety in social situations. It involves working with a therapist to learn various techniques, such as cognitive restructuring, exposure therapy, and social skills training. These techniques can help you challenge and change unhelpful thought patterns, develop coping strategies for anxiety-inducing situations, and improve your overall social skills.

6. Build a Support Network

Social anxiety is isolating in itself, so you should make an effort to create a network that can provide you with the support and encouragement that you need. A network of friends, family, and mental health professionals can give you a safe space to share your feelings, experiences, and concerns. These connections can offer understanding and guidance as you work through your anxiety. Additionally, participating in support groups or online forums can connect you with others facing similar challenges so you can share stories and experiences, learn new skills, and gain new perspectives on managing your social anxiety.


Social anxiety can be a frustrating condition, but there are various strategies available to help you cope and thrive. By adopting these tips and consistently practicing them, you can gradually reduce your social anxiety and improve your overall mental health. Remember to be kind and patient with yourself and allow plenty of time for things to get better. From small talk with strangers to public speaking, rest assured that each step you take will bring you closer to a happier and more fulfilling life.