Home Exterior Cleaning: 8 Dos And Don’ts 

Keeping the exterior of your home clean is not only essential for maintaining its aesthetic appeal but also for preserving its structural integrity. Whether it’s dirt, grime, mold, or algae buildup, regular cleaning can help prevent damage and prolong the life of your property. However, not all cleaning methods are created equal, and improper techniques can do more harm than good. To ensure you’re effectively maintaining your home’s exterior, here are 10 dos and don’ts to remember.

DosHome Exterior Cleaning

  • Start with a plan: Before diving into your home exterior cleaning project, take the time to assess the areas that need attention. Create a checklist of tasks, such as pressure washing the siding, cleaning the windows, and clearing debris from gutters. A plan will help you stay organized and ensure all areas are noticed.
  • Consider professional help: For extensive cleaning projects or difficult-to-remove stains, hire a professional exterior cleaning service, like Cincinnati Premier Pressure Washing. Professionals have the expertise, experience, and specialized equipment to tackle tough stains and ensure a thorough cleaning without causing damage to your home.
  • Test cleaning solutions: Before applying any cleaning solution to a large area, always perform a patch test in an inconspicuous area to ensure it won’t cause discoloration or damage. Different surfaces may react differently to various cleaning agents, so verifying compatibility beforehand is crucial.
  • Use the right equipment: Invest in quality cleaning tools and products suited for the specific surfaces you’re cleaning. For instance, use a soft-bristled brush or sponge for delicate surfaces like wood siding and windows, and opt for a pressure washer with adjustable settings to prevent damage to sensitive areas.
  • Work from the top down: When cleaning multiple surfaces—such as siding, windows, and gutters—start at the top and work your way down. This method prevents dirty water and debris from dripping onto surfaces you’ve already cleaned, resulting in a more efficient and thorough cleaning process.
  • Practice safety precautions: Whether using a ladder to reach high areas or operating a pressure washer, prioritize safety. Wear protective gear, such as goggles, gloves, and non-slip footwear; and be cautious of electrical hazards when using water-based equipment near outlets.
  • Rinse thoroughly: After applying cleaning solutions or using a pressure washer, thoroughly rinse the surfaces with clean water to remove any residue. Lingering chemicals or soap can attract dirt and grime, negating cleaning and potentially causing damage over time.
  • Maintain regular cleaning schedule: A regular cleaning schedule will help prevent dirt and grime buildup and keep your home looking its best year-round. Depending on your climate and environmental factors, aim to clean your home’s exterior at least once or twice a year or as needed.


  • Don’t use excessive pressure: While pressure washing can be an effective cleaning method, excessive pressure can damage delicate surfaces, such as wood, vinyl siding, and soft landscaping. Avoid high pressure on these surfaces, and opt for a lower setting to prevent unintended damage.
  • Don’t neglect safety gear: Skipping safety gear when performing exterior cleaning tasks can lead to injuries or accidents. As stated, always wear appropriate protective gear—such as goggles, gloves, and non-slip footwear—to minimize risks and ensure a safe cleaning experience.
  • Don’t overlook gutters and downspouts: Clogged gutters and downspouts can lead to water damage and structural issues if they are neglected. Regularly inspect and clean gutters to remove leaves, debris, and other obstructions that could impede proper drainage and cause water backup.
  • Don’t forget to read product labels: Not all cleaning products suit every surface. Before using any cleaning solution, carefully read the product labels and instructions to ensure compatibility with your cleaning surface. Using the wrong product can cause damage or discoloration.
  • Don’t allow cleaning solutions to dry: Leaving cleaning solutions to dry on surfaces can result in streaks, residue buildup, and potential damage. Work in small sections and rinse thoroughly immediately after applying cleaning solutions to prevent drying and ensure a streak-free finish.
  • Don’t ignore environmental considerations: When selecting cleaning products and methods, consider their environmental impact. Choose eco-friendly cleaning solutions whenever possible and avoid using harsh chemicals that could harm plants, wildlife, or water sources.
  • Don’t rush the cleaning process: Effective exterior cleaning takes time and patience. Rushing through the process can result in incomplete cleaning, missed spots, and potential surface damage. Take your time, follow proper techniques, and ensure thorough cleaning for the best results.
  • Don’t underestimate professional expertise: While DIY cleaning can be cost-effective, some tasks may require professional expertise. Avoid risking damage to your home by attempting complex or challenging cleaning tasks yourself. Instead, enlist the help of experienced professionals for optimal results.

Final Thoughts

Following these dos and don’ts can effectively maintain your home’s exterior cleanliness, enhance curb appeal, and protect your investment for years. Remember to prioritize safety, use appropriate cleaning techniques and equipment, and consider professional assistance when needed. With proper care and maintenance, your home will continue to shine and stand the test of time.